Let Us Sew

The first time that I handled a needle and thread, I was an 8 year old determined to complete her term’s project for Family Living. Even though it took me twice the time it took the rest of my class, I pressed on through my summer break and finished that pair of shorts by hand. The next project wasn’t so slow or full of errors (the apron is still in my mother’s kitchen).


I’ve had all my life to practice, often sewing by hand at home after classes and on weekends all through secondary school. I later got trained on how to use a sewing machine (yup! I actually learned that – even though hand stitching and embroidery is cool, my brief stint with my boss  (an amazing woman) showed me how much faster stuff is when you automate), took courses in fashion design and business of fashion, building expertise in garment construction and in various techniques. All through the time I spent in school earning my diploma and degree, I got to build my fashion brand, and grow so well that I went from building my own wardrobe (lingerie, everyday wear, couture, traditional outfits, and even evening dresses), to doing the same for others (right in the middle of studying a medical course. I have been multi-dimensional since 19-gbogboro ?)


One of the major things that I have learned while I interacted with courses from Italy, Hong Kong, London, Australia and the USA is that the female body proportions vary according to heritage (an African woman’s body is structured differently from an Asia nor Italian woman), and over the years, working with hundredsnofnwomen and girls, I’ve been able to blend the international sizing system to create a chart and system of cutting garments that works just for us ?

What I’m offering in this series of courses, is a coalition of all that I’ve learned, practiced and discovered, both as a dressmaker, and a business owner. Regardless of what you use it for (creating custom-made couture dresses, or corporate ready-to-wear like I do; or simple home-made outfits for everydaywear), sewing is a tangible life skill that will always come in handy at some point.


Regardless of what you intend to do with it, there’s a package in there for you. We’ve got sewing courses designed to help you to either learn core skills you need to build and run a business/career in fashion design, touch up on an area of weakness or just acquire basic knowledge. There’s a course to:

– teach you the sewing skills
– help you to clarify your passion and niche
– help you to ease into the market
– hand you valuable business tools to kickstart your enterprise
– introduce you to opportunities, if what you prefer is a career
– teach you to balance fashion design with whatever else you are doing

We’ve even got a program specially tailored for kids and teens, that comes with all the tools and equipment that they need to get work done.


Does that look like what you’re looking for? Join us in the Academy.

Author: Jane Oluwadare
Jane solves hard problems so you don't stay stuck Jane (Hadassah) OLUWADARE is an autistic, dyslexic multi-dimensional woman who uses her different dimensions to amplify one another, and is committed to showing other neurodivergent people how to replicate working wisdom in their respective contexts. In the PKH Network, she brings her various facets, strengths and skills to work together in viable business models, creating solutions for other visionaries, and providing platforms for young people to grow into their own strengths, develop experience and expertise As a data analyst, strategist and business development consultant in PKH Consulting, she sits with business structures to help them identify the gaps in their processes, build the blueprints, strategy, process flows and structures that will get them from where they are to where they want to be. As a productivity and execution coach in PHRONESIS Lighthouse, she works with neurodivergent people to get more productive, and do more with less effort, with particular attention to autistic people and people with ADHD. As a fashion consultant in HSFH, she styles, illustrates, and brings 15+ years of sewing experience to bear as she works to produce and sell stylish clothing that meets sensory, functional and fashionable needs. She teaches creative and trade skills in CriArt Skill Academy, working with neurodivergent children (with particular attention to autism, dyslexia and ADHD) to show them how their natural talents and tendencies can be an advantage inside and outside of the classroom and school curriculum. Utilising games and play as tools, as well as drawing from her own personal experience as a designer, chef and writer she helps them transfer the skills from the creative arts into school subjects and real life. She writes extensively, sharing her thoughts in books, articles and through her various enterprises as creative stories and non-fiction think-pieces available in Books By Hadassah. An International Youth Council member and former Global Youth Ambassador, she sits on the boards of several youth-led organisations in an advisory capacity; and continues to work with others to help develop children and young adults to create a life of impact. At the very core of her being, Hadassah keeps chasing after The One who keeps her balanced and finds the ultimate fulfilment in her fellowship with the Holy Spirit. She quips that He is the real super power that keeps her functioning as an autistic, dyslexic person with ADHD, and often shares the insights He teaches her on Personal Development, Business Development and mindset reorientation according to the Word with Deborah's Court (her ministry expression)

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